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Cum vă poate ajuta afacerea Microsoft Open Licence Program

Cum Microsoft Open Licence Program vă poate ajuta afacerea?

Volume licensing is the most flexible and cost-effective software acquisition method for companies. That’s why the industry's biggest names provide a variety of volume programs to meet the needs of various organisation types. And the main hero of this piece, the Open Licence Program (OLP), is presumably the most popular Microsoft program for small businesses.

Volume licensing was long thought to be only an option for large corporations due to higher upfront costs and a more complicated purchase process. However, through Certified Pre-Owned licences, smaller enterprises in the EEC, EEA, and EU can benefit from the functionality and ease of deployment that volume licensing provides at a lower acquisition cost.

Ce trebuie să știți despre programul Microsoft Open Licence 

Tipul de organizație (comercial, educațional sau guvernamental), dimensiunea companiei și industria, numărul de dispozitive/utilizatori și locația, toate influențează alegerea unui anumit program de licențiere în volum Microsoft. Pentru acest tip de licență este necesar ca standard minimum cinci licențe.

Pentru a afla mai multe despre elementele de bază ale licențelor în volum și cele mai populare programe de licențe în volum, citiți  Licențiere în volum: cheia voastră pentru optimizarea afacerii.

As we’ve mentioned, Open Licence Program caters for the needs of small businesses (up to 250 devices or users). It is an affordable way to get Microsoft perpetual volume licences. The main features and benefits of OLP compared to other corporate licensing options include

  • Lifetime licence: Buy once, use forever
  • No contracts or other commitments
  • Easy to manage
  • ONE key for all product licences, i.e. easier deployment through Multi Activation Keys or Key Management Services
  • Downgrade rights ensuring version cross-compatibility

Deși programul OLP nu este disponibil pentru noii clienți comerciali din ianuarie 2022, licențele deja achiziționate rămân valabile, iar companiile pot obține în continuare licențe OLP prin CPO (Certified Pre-Owned). Beneficiile software-ului CPO sunt multe. Pentru a afla mai multe despre ele, consultați  Secțiunea CPO de pe site-ul .

Now, let’s go over the main OLP benefits.

Beneficiul managementului îmbunătățit al licențelor

Buying volume licences simplifies management and reduces the per-unit cost. One of the cherished advantages of volume programs is the efficient central licence management via dedicated service centers and the more straightforward management of software assets.

The Open Licence Program is no exception: it is simple to administer and use. You get only one product key to handle the software installation and activation on multiple PCs within your company. That means your IT department will manage only one key for all machines or users.

Faceți Mass Deployment mai ușor

Another advantage of volume licences, in general, is the easy and time-saving deployment. There are several ways of deploying volume licences.

One approach is configuring a setup that automatically downloads, installs, and activates the software on each computer, saving the IT department significant time. Another option is to import all of the division's emails and automatically send setup emails to employee lists.

Cum Microsoft Open Licence Program vă poate ajuta afacerea?

MAK vs KMS. Care este diferența?

The volume activation methods used by Microsoft are MAK (Multiple Activation Key) and KMS (Key Management Services).

Usually, customers with fewer devices (small and medium-sized companies) prefer the MAK model. In this case, you will receive a single key valid for all devices in the organisation. The MAK method is a one-time, non-expiring activation via Microsoft's host services. Once the process is over, there is no need for further communication with the vendor. Each MAK has a predetermined number of allowed activations based on your purchase.

The main disadvantage of the MAK method is when some of your computers need re-installation, you clean the hard disk, etc. In such cases, the initial activation is not valid anymore, and the number of predetermined activations doesn’t restore.

That means the MAK method is more appropriate in companies where the hardware remains unchanged for long periods and reinstallation is rare.

Dar ce se întâmplă cu companiile și organizațiile mai mari cu dispozitive care nu se pot sau nu ar trebui să se conecteze la Internet în afara localului? Aici intervin Key Management Services.

KMS uses a client-server model. For activation, the KMS clients connect through the local network to a KMS server called the KMS host. In that way, the devices activate internally against a company server. The KMS host is activated through a host key and has to report to the vendor licence server every 180 days. All KMS clients activated by the KMS host depend on the activated host key.

The primary distinction with MAK is that you can use the KMS keys to reactivate the same or a different computer. Organisations can create and manage multiple accounts through a KMS.

But how to make the right choice? MAK is the more flexible option for organisations with a decentralised IT structure and fewer devices (both desktops and laptops) that are rarely reinstalled and stay longer disconnected from the corporate network. If this applies to you, go for MAK.

Although more expensive, KMS is the better option for companies with very centralised IT setups and more devices (mainly desktops) that don’t leave the company premises and have a connection to the internal company network. So, if this is the case in your organisation, KMS is for you.

Implementarea pe Server cu RDS users

Another approach for deploying volume licences is via Remote Desktop Services (RDS).

Users can access desktop applications using RDS and work from anywhere, connecting to a Remote Desktop Session Host server (previously known as a terminal server). The server then runs applications on the remote machine and displays the session’s content.

Deployment on terminal servers has several advantages:

  • Acesta permite întreprinderilor să găzduiască în mod centralizat aplicații.
  • Acesta oferă utilizatorilor finali acces din orice locație sau dispozitiv.
  • Acesta asigură întreținerea și gestionarea dintr-un singur punct, ceea ce le face mai puțin complicate.
  • Nu este nevoie să instalați sau să actualizați aplicațiile pe fiecare mașină din rețea. Trebuie să faceți acest lucru doar pe server.

But what about RDS licensing?

You’ll need Windows Server CAL for the RDS host and an RDS client access licence (CAL) for each user or device outside the local company network with access to the server. Without valid RDS CALs, the end users cannot log on. On-premises users can use regular CALs via Active Directory (which is cheaper and easier to set up). Up to two users may connect to the server at the same time to perform administrative tasks without the need for CALs.

The RDS CALs are of two types:

  • RDS Device CAL (atribuit pe o anumită mașină)
  • RDS User CAL (funcționează numai într-un domeniu Active Directory)

Note that if a desktop application licence is per device, you must obtain licences for each desktop where the product is used or accessed. The use of apps in an RDS environment requires that the edition and version should match between the machines. The good news is that regarding Office suites in RDS, you don’t need a licence for the copy installed on the server.

After the first 120 days, you’ll also need a Remote Desktop Services license server to issue and track CALs. The license server is activated via the Remote Desktop Licensing Manager.

De ce să alegeți licențe de volum OLP CPO

When you run a business, your top IT priority should be to find the most cost-effective, customisable and scalable software licensing solution. That’s when volume licensing comes to the rescue. And certified pre-owned software licences expand your options even further.

Cu  Software CPO, aveți oportunitatea legală pentru țările din CEE, SEE și UE de a cumpăra produse software pe care producătorii nu le mai vând. În plus, îl obțineți, de obicei, în condiții mai bune și cu o documentație de proprietate mai completă decât alte produse de licențiere în volum.

Volume licences provide much greater flexibility than Retail or OEM licence types. Among the most significant user benefits are better budgeting and planning, options for downgrade for compatibility reasons, cost-effectiveness, and simplified management.

Cu alte cuvinte, licențierea în volum vă permite să îmbunătățiți operațiunile de afaceri, cheltuind în același timp în mod rezonabil pentru software. Dacă doriți să maximizați rentabilitatea investițiilor dvs. în IT, nu ezitați. Obțineți valoarea pe care o merită afacerea dvs.

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