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Pohrana u oblaku: Kako zaštititi svoje uspomene

Pohrana u oblaku: Kako zaštititi svoje uspomene

Odmor je vrijeme za zabavu, putovanja i nova iskustva. I, naravno, to je najbolje vrijeme za prikupljanje uspomena. Ali onda se javlja hitno pitanje o pohranjivanju tih sjećanja.

Srećom, tehnološka industrija ima lijek za te brige. To se zove pohrana u oblaku!

Pohrana u oblaku omogućuje pohranu podataka na internet. Sigurno i pouzdano sprema vaše važne datoteke i dokumente u udaljenu bazu podataka, tako da ih ne morate čuvati na tvrdom disku uređaja. Ili da biste upali u probleme s postavljanjem vlastite infrastrukture za pohranu podataka.

Jedna od najprivlačnijih ponuda na tržištu je MobiSystems rješenje za pohranu u oblaku. Možete dobiti MobiDrive 1 TB ili MobiDrive 2 TB u paketu s punom verzijom njihovih office paket.

Navedimo zašto je odlazak na ovu opciju pametna ideja!

Prednosti pohrane u oblaku

Mnogo je razloga za odabir pohrane u oblaku umjesto pohranjivanja podataka na tvrdi disk. Prednosti uključuju:

  1. You don't have to own a physical storage device. No more external hard drives! And you don't risk losing irreplaceable content if you damage your flash drive, for example.
  2. Sharing content is easy. You can share files with many people at the same time.
  3. Backing up data is always a good idea. Use the cloud to preserve your files.
  4. Remotely update and sync your data! You can store all types of information in the cloud. While you are still on vacation, you upload your precious memories (yes, all your images and videos).
  5. Remote work and team collaboration are made trouble-free. Cloud storage allows all team members to access files from anywhere without much effort.
  6. Cost savings is another great advantage. It's more affordable to pay a subscription fee for cloud space than to maintain your own hard drive storage.
  7. Top-level security and protection. Storage providers take data protection measures seriously and keep their security technology up-to-date.
  8. You can keep the storage for a lifetime. Just stay subscribed!

Zaštita datoteka pomoću MobiDrive

S rješenjima kao što je MobiDrive korisnici mogu dobiti ove, pa čak i neke dodatne pogodnosti kako bi povećali svoju produktivnost.

MobiDrive is secure cross-platform storage available for Web, Windows, Android and iOS. It ensures that your content is instantly available on all devices as you sync files across platforms. Plus, there is no file size limitation. You can download any file and folder within seconds.

Buying 1 or 2 TB MobiDrive storage comes with the full version of the all-in-one productivity OfficeSuite pack for Android, iOS and Windows, including Documents, Sheets, Slides, PDF & Mail. It is very appealing to buy one thing and receive an additional product as a bonus!

MobiDrive prides to offer conversion to an impressive number of 1200+ formats. That means you can turn a PDF into a Document or a video into an audio file. Sharing files and folders is possible as download links or attachments. You can also keep them 'offline' for use without the internet.

Intuitivno sučelje MobiDrive olakšava upotrebu čak i za manje iskusne korisnike. Glatka integracija s MobiSystem OfficeSuite i PDF Extra pomaže u dosljednom radnom iskustvu.

MobiDrive allows you to automatically back up images and videos from your phone in their original quality. That means your holiday memories are safe, all the time, anywhere you go! MobiSystems’ solution supports all main file types and automatically organises content into collections based on the file type (Pictures, Videos, Music or Documents). So you get your content sorted without any efforts on your behalf!

To work from your computer is also user-friendly. The PC MobiDrive folder integrates with Windows File Explorer for quick and flawless file transfer. This folder lets you automatically synchronise local files to the cloud. You can also use the convenient MobiDrive widget to manage your recent files.

There is another great advantage! You can track the changes made to your documents with version history. Moreover, the special Bin section keeps deleted files and their version histories for up to 180 days. All this means you can stop worrying about accidentally losing information ever again!


Blagdansko vrijeme već je u punom jeku! Ne idite na odmor nepripremljeni! Posjetite našu Sekcija pohrana u oblaku i pronađite najbolje ponude prostora za pohranu za vaše potrebe!

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